TIKIPAC - Importation et distribution des produits DPH, Bazar et Multimédia en Polynésie française

importation, distribution, dhp, bazar, multimedia, tahiti, polynésie

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Our network

Tuesday 15 July 2014, by Webmaster Concept Communication

118 islands – 5.5 million square kilometers. TIKIPAC is established in Tahiti, the main island and nerve center of French Polynesia, where 75% of the country’s population reside.

In addition to its commercial offices, the company, through TIKITEA, enjoys the use of a 3000 square meters warehouse and a fleet of four heavy trucks and three vans. This allows TIKIPAC to ensure perfect flow management and sufficient stock to satisfy its distribution network. A network which includes large, midsize and small points of sale, hardware stores, pharmacies, service stations, and specialty stores, and which stretches all over Polynesia’s territory, in spite of its geographical constraints (118 islands scattered over an area of 5.5 million square kilometers).